Universidad Central


“The door of the world” by David Palomino

David Palomino, one of our Communication and Journalism students at Universidad Central, shares his experience regarding the learning process of English.


The UC Language Department invites you to read from firsthand the opinion of one of our Communication and Journalism students at Universidad Central, he will share with us his thoughts regarding the learning process of a foreign language as well as its importance for every one of us. Read it and give English a shot!


English should be a priority
Por: David Palomino
Periodista, Reportero Noticias Univision Chicago

The most important language in the world is English, no doubt about it. Unfortunately in Colombia the educational system doesn't consider English as a priority, it's just another subject, a 1 or 2 hours week class. There are private bilingual elementary schools but quite expensive and almost impossible to afford for an average family.

Then after high school or after college the new graduates rush for private lessons, programs or courses once they realized the importance of English to get a better job opportunity or succeed in business. We live in a globalization era, unlike the past, now we have many volunteer programs or internships around the world in Anglophone countries, that's the best and most effective way to learn a new language. Having the obligation to communicate, the need to express and understand is how the brain gets the words and grammar.

The problem is that English, most of the times, is left behind. First comes a master degree, a PhD and other programs when it should be the opposite, English must be the priority. Not just knowing the colors, the numbers, a couple of words and that's it. I am taking about fluency, listening and understanding, writing, accent, pronunciation, mastering the language as close as possible to a native speaker that is the goal.

But it is not the lessons neither a teacher with a secret formula; it is rather a mindset, since you wake up in the morning until you go to bed. Listening to the news in the radio, watching TV and movies of course in English and with English subtitles, memorizing lyrics, reading out loud, podcasts, transcribing texts, practicing all the time daily.

For those who are parents do not wait too much, it's scientifically proven, a kid can learn a language easier and faster.

The English language is the door to the world.

Departamento de Lenguas
Bogotá, D. C., 9 de octubre de 2019
Última actualización: 2020-09-11 00:00